- Top Bengali newspaper in Tripura
- Circulation over 50K
- Attractive ad rates
- Credible news source
- Top Bengali newspaper in Tripura
- Circulation over 50K
- Attractive ad rates
- Credible news source
Daily Desher Katha is a Bengali daily newspaper published from Agartala. This newspaper publishes articles on sports, entertainment, education, health & lifestyle along with hardcore news. So you can reach out to people of different age groups by placing a classified ad in this newspaper.
Daily Desher Katha Classified Ads is cost effective and ideal platform to advertise on for Matrimonial,Property,Obituary, Recruitment, Education,etc type customers. Ad cost is calculated based on the number of lines used.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Why advertise in Daily Desher Katha ?
Get your display ads been published in the columns of Daily Desher Katha and reach out to the people of Tripura. Published in Bengali language, this newspaper publishes some selected categories of Display advertisements along with the fine quality of news items in it.
Daily Desher Katha is one such regional newspaper in which you can book your display ads mainly under categories of Public Notice and Tenders, with a rare publication of Obituary and Personal ads. Property ads are at times published with a lesser number of frequencies.
Through Daily Desher Katha display advertising, you can easily reach out to your target audience and get the desired response.
View Daily Desher Katha Ad Rates
View Daily Desher Katha Ad Rates
Booking Process
Daily Desher Katha Ad Booking Process
ReleaseMyAd provides you with instant booking facilities for display advertising in Daily Desher Katha . As a long standing , official ad booking agency for Daily Desher Katha , we give you a trustworthy and hassle-free platform for booking your newspaper display ad online in the following simple steps:
- Firstly, make your selection of the main newspaper or any of its category specific pullouts alongwith the desired location for your Daily Desher Katha display advertisement.
- Next you can choose the ad size: Quarter, Half , Full or Custom ; ad type: Colour or Black & White and Ad Position: Front , Back , Third or Any page. Daily Desher Katha also allows you to explore innovative advertising through Jacketed, Pointers and Skybus display ads.
- Once you specify your needs, you can view the Advt Cost and Package rates.Not Only this, releaseMyAd makes use of its experience and expertise to get you further discounts.You simply have to click on the ‘Start Media Negotiation’ tab , fill in your display ad requirements and leave the rest to us.
- You can then proceed towards composing your ad by choosing from our existing ad templates simply uploading your advertisement design in PDF/JPEG/TIFF format. You can also avail expert help and feedback from our designing team.
- All that’s left to do now is clear the payment via our several offline or online channels that are SSL encrypted and therefore 100% secure. You receive instant confirmation of your display ad booking once payment is done.
Remember to book your display ad in Daily Desher Katha at least 3 days prior to the print date.
For any further assistance in your display ad booking process do not hesitate to contact us via phone, mail or chat with our customer service experts anytime.